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Berkeley-Cal Sailing Club Pine Pruning Event

The Merritt College Pruning Club, a volunteer pruning organization (where beginning to advanced pruners can join to learn or teach pruning) is hosting this event at the Cal Sailing Club where we will be pruning two Pines, one small (4’) which is detailed and one larger (12’) which is styled like a waterfall! Join us if you are interested in learning Pine Pruning. We meet with pruning shears and small pruning saws in hand in front of Cal Sailing Club at 124 University Avenue at the Berkeley Marina. Bring lunch and sit on the club house bench at the end of this event and enjoy the view!

This event is free and open to the public. I may have one or two copies of “Cutting Back” on hand, but if you want a previously purchased copy of “Cutting Back” signed then drop by! (for sell at or where ever books are sold)

For more information on the Merritt College Pruning Club: Merritt College Pruning Club

For more information on the Cal Sailing Club: